Coffee & Cash Flow Mixer: Let's Set Up Our Accounting Systems!


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Who said MONEY MATTERS had to be HARD???

They don’t!

 With some new strategies and support, you’ll get more done than you thought possible because these money get-togethers are more than just socials.

They will help you learn a new strategy, get some real tasks off your plate and best of all, do it with others for some real ACCOUNTABILITY and FUN. ✨🎉

Just grab your coffee for our morning mixers, or a cocktail in the evening, and show up ready to GET IT DONE.  

P.S. THESE WILL BE RECORDED - So be "Camera Ready," LOGO ready  - if  you have a business you want to share because there will be time.

Upcoming Topics:  
March - Setting Up a Mobile Quickbooks Accounting System
 April - Debt Mastery/Debt Payoff
 May - Spending Control - Spending Allowances (Budget Spreadsheet Alternative)
June - Family Finance /Entrepreneurship for Kids
July - TBA  
Aug - TBA

"Thank you, Ms. Mildred @yourmoneydr for this informative virtual event. You gave us peace of mind while setting up our business accounts to track our finances. Financial health is vital to every business. If you haven't signed up for her Coffee & Cash Flow Mixer, you should because financial knowledge is important not just in business but in every aspect."

Connie L
Owner,  Yellow Rose Paint Party